Whats the Buzz about Alkalinity, Greens and Health
September 11 2016
Why are greens and supergreen drinks so important? And why is BalanceDiet creating an entire Greens Collection of products?
Our typical diet in the US is highly acidic. Milk, cheese, most meat, eggs, sodas, coffee, alcohol, pasta, bread, chocolate, fast foods, refined foods, processed and packaged foods, as well as a stressful lifestyle all contribute to a heightened amount of acidity in the body.
Our bodies prefer a slightly alkaline environment. When the foods we consume push our pH toward acidity our bodies find alkaline minerals stored internally to cure the imbalance. This process of repairing that imbalance creates a severe loss of the very minerals you work hard to supplement daily. Worse, however, is that acidity is a silent killer, causing inflammation in the body which is the root of all disease.
A pH imbalance over time will lower your body’s ability to absorb minerals, proteins, and other nutrients, and decrease your body’s ability to repair damaged cells and detoxify.
Acidity breeds fatigue, illness, disease, cancer, and aging.
Akalinity promotes health, vibrancy, and well-being. Studies show that a alkaline pH (over 7.4) causes cancer cells to become dormant and a pH of 8.5 (even more alkaline) causes cancer cells to die while healthy cells still thrive.
Hopefully this help you to understand why "Supergreens," vegetable juices, and green based protein and health drinks continue to gain more and more space at the grocery store. Unfortunately, even with the best diet, it is nearly impossible to consume the mix and also the amount of greens required to completely satisfy this spectrum of health. For this reason superfood powders and drinks play an important role, especially with those concerned about their health.
BalanceDiet currently offers a very high quality Superfoods product "02 Spa Boost" which is available in both a powdered and also capsule form (depending on if you favor the "greens taste" or not.) This product contains nutrients extracted at the peak of freshness from a global array of "reds and greens" - meaning the full spectrum of superfoods.
If you are not already, we recommend trying a "greens." Give it a go for 10 days - you will certainly feel and see the difference in both your vitality, and also your skin, hair and nail health.
Click here to learn more about our #02 Spa Boost