4 Reasons Why You Should Eat Peanuts
April 20 2015

Sure, peanuts do have a high fat and calorie content, but they are also full of lots of other things too that are very good for you. Also, lets just be clear from the beginning, the type of peanuts we are talking about are not the dry roasted or salted type sold in bars as snacks. No, these are unprocessed and plain, just as nature intended.
A Whole Food and Full of Protein
There is a lot to be said for whole foods. Unprocessed natural food is digested much more easily by the human body than processed foods, so the good stuff can get where it needs to be quicker. Peanuts are like little nuggets of protein that can be scattered over a salad to substitute for less healthy and more fatty red meat.
Aids the Slimming Process
A study conducted by the Purdue University found that peanuts actually increase the hormone peptide YY, which is responsible for feelings of being full. If you’re not hungry anymore after a handful of peanuts you should keep away from fatty snacks, and suddenly slimming become a whole lot easier.
Packed Full of Vitamins
Peanuts are full of a variety of vitamins, including riboflavin, choline, vitamin E, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, folate and vitamin B6. Adding more vitamin rich foods to your diet is a sure fire way to feeling and looking healthier.
Reduces Cholesterol
Being a great source of phytosterols, peanuts help to lower your cholesterol. How? Well phytosterol and cholesterol are absorbed by your body in the same way, but only so many of these molecules can be absorbed. By having a diet high in phytosterol your body will absorb less cholesterol, so you can enjoy a lower risk of heart disease, and possibly even Alzheimer’s.
