6 Ways to Eat For A Flat Tummy
May 03 2016
Lets get right to is : Eating more of the right foods more often is the basis of success for most dieters.
Remember: More Food= More Muscle = Less Flab
At BalanceDiet we don't make you feel like your part of a diet that you "have to" stick to. It a way of celebrating food and healthy living through a way of eating that you'll enjoy and find easy to continue. You'll emerge on the other side with a new body by doing just 2 things:
1. Keep yourself from getting hungry
2. Know that you can eat well NO MATTER WHAT
Here are six guidelines that ensure a flatter belly with the freedom and flexibility of not being on a strict diet!
Eat Six Meals A Day
Less isnt more. You should be eating several times a day and balancing your energy to change your metabolism. Researchers have found that if you keep your body in a surplus or deficit of 300-500 calories at all times you will be in the best position to change your body composition. Those wit hthe largest fluctations in caloric intake were the fattest while those that remained in the 300-500 calorie window were the leanest. So eating 3 meals a day creates these fluctuations where as 5-6 meals a day keeps you steady. Plus you'll feel full which reduces the likelihood of binging!
Use the 12 Power Foods
In another article we talk about 12 waist slimming foods to incorporate into your diet. Focus on including this handful of foods to fufill you core nutritional needs. These foods are all good for you and will help you swap out belly fat for muscle. Mix and match the foods throughout the day and watch the pounds fall off in under 2 weeks .
Drink Smoothies & Shakes Regularly
Your blender is your new best friend! Smoothies enable you to combine name of the powerfoods in one delicious meal. They also require little prep time and leave room for little excuses. Adding berries, flavoured protein, and nut butters make it feel like your dining on dessert allowing you to kill cravings without the calories. You also stay fuller longer!
Stop Counting
Calorie burning is important to losing fat, theres no doubt about that, but calorie counting will make you lose focus and motivation. By sticking to the good foods and focusing on eating the right way the calorie counting will take care of itself. Focus on having balanced nutrient dense meals instead. Of course that doesnt mean heaping plates of food but sticking to 6 balanced meals will keep you satisfied and nourished while your body evolves into a fat burning machine. Try to stick to one -2 servings per food group and maintin portion control with some of the fattier foods.
Dont Drink Your Calories
There are benefits attributed to having one or two alcoholic bevvy's a day but ther are many ways that alcohol can get you into trouble - most importantly with the calorie bank. The calories in alcohol are empty calories and they dont help you feel full or nourish your ody - in fat they deplete your hydration and nutrient stores. Liquor also makes you store fat. Your body sees alcohol as a poison and tries to get rid of it so your liver stops processing all other calories until its been dealt with. Anything else you eat while drinking will most likely turn into fat. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day helps flush the waste products your body releases when it breaks down fat. You also need water to transport nutrients to your muscles, digest food and thousands of other vital bodily functions.
One word - Cheat!
Once a week forget EVERYTHING. Take one meal and ignore all of the rules. Indulge in whatever it is you miss the most while on your eating plan. Have it , savor it , go back for more and then dig your heels in for another week. Plan your cheat meal for an active exercise day where you can utilize the extra calories. Keep it planned, keep it contained. Dont let your cheat meal turn into a cheat day or a cheat week. Not only is it a reward for all of your hard work but a high calorie day can help rev up your metabolism . Researchers at the National Institute of Health found that those who ate twice as many calories in a day as they normally did increased their metabolism by 9% in the 24 hour period that followed.
Overall stick to these general guidelines and dont stress! Life is about enjoying your surroundings and the people you spend time with not stressing about breaking the calorie bank. Stay healthy, hydrated, and balanced.