Salted Toffee Pretzel
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Salted Toffee Pretzel has a rating of 5.0 stars based on 3 reviews.
  • Toffee Pretzel Protein Bars
  • Salted Toffee Pretzel - BalanceDiet

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We are currently out of stock of this popular item. Please allow up to 7-9 additional days for delivery of product + a CODE for10% off your next order as a thank you for your patience.

Satisfy your salty cravings with this crispy, low carb bar coated toffee frosting packed with 15 grams of protein and only 5 grams of net carbs. Servings Per Pack: 7 15g of high quality protein.  12g of fiber Only 5g net carbs Only 160 calories... (READ MORE...)

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